<aside> <img src="/icons/language_green.svg" alt="/icons/language_green.svg" width="40px" /> Bu məqələneñ Tatarçası

Эта статья на русском языке



Latin IPA Cyrillic Examples
Aa [a] Аа Alma
Əə [æ] Әә Əbi
Bb [b] Бб Babay
Cc [ʑ] Җҗ Cəy
Çç [ɕ] Чч Çəy
Dd [d] Дд Dulqın
Ee [ɪ̆~ɘ̆] Ээ/е Et
Ff [f] Фф Fil
Gg [g] Гг Göl
Ğğ [ɣ̙] Гг Ğəyet
Hh [h] Һһ Həykəl
[ɤ̆~ʌ̆] Ыы Işanıç
Íí [ɤ̆j] ый Qíssa
İi [i] Ии İşek
Jj [ʒ] Жж Ajdaha
Kk [k] Кк Kitap
Ll [l]
[ɫ] Лл Ləysən
Mm [m] Мм Moñ
Nn [n] Нн Nəni
Ññ [ŋ]
[ɴ] Ңң Kiñ
Oo [ŏ~ʊ̆] Оо Orlıq
Öö [ø̆~ɵ̆] Өө Öy
Pp [p] Пп Peş
Qq [q] Кк Qazan
Rr [ɾ~r] Рр Rux
Ss [s] Сс Su
Şş [ʃ] Шш Şatlıq
Tt [t] Тт Toz
Uu [u] Уу Ut
Üü [y] Үү Üpkə
Vv [ʋ] Вв Video
Ww [w]
[ɥ] Вв/у
Вв/ү Waqıt
Xx [χ] Хх Xat
Yy [j] Йй Yul
Zz [z] Зз Zur
' [ʔ] э/ъ/ь Ma'may


These are only the basic rules. More extensive rules, such as language-specific loanword importing rules, will be available soon, in sha’Allah.

Example texts:

Fatixa (Açuçı) sürəse

Ğabdulla Tuqay - İy tuğan tel

Ramazan Baytimer - Tatarstan dəwlət gimnı


This Latin alphabet, named Neo-alif (thanks to “QQ” team for name idea) is my personal fix to the currently existing standart of Zamanalif. I am not the author of the entire system, I only adjusted it based off of Zamanalif after using it for a while, then doing some research and experimentation. I felt the need of creating a strict standart of Zamanalif, because most personalisations of others either don’t follow basic phonetic principles of a script, include too many interchangeable letters that would clutter the keyboards, or include obscure blocks of Unicode (below Latin Extended-A) that most fonts don’t support, resulting in relatively often tofus and inconsistent fonts within a single word, not solving the problems of the currently used Cyrillic alphabet. This alphabet, however, is objectively better in this regard:

Update 09.10.2023: a lot of people are argumenting against the letter Íí, so I felt the need of explaining my strong adherence to its usage.
